Thursday, January 7, 2010
NOT just another Christmas break...
Christmas break. What to say? It was a lovely time to spend with my family, and to be able to relax, no worries, no stress, no alarm clocks, no homework, and no work. Let's cut to the chase though. This Christmas break was by FAR the most exciting Christmas break I have ever had! Why? You might ask, because I am now engaged!!! :) Yes ladies and gentlemen I will soon be Mrs. McFarland! Has a nice ring to it doesn't it? :) December 22, 2009…Eric and I were spending the day in Laguna Beach. We ate a nice lunch and then decided to go for a walk along the beach “Treasure Island.” As we were walking a mysterious message in a bottle appeared on the shore...they don’t call this place Treasure Island for nothing. :) I picked it up and read the amazing note inside. The note ended with this, "p.s. I have a question to ask you." As I turn back to look at Eric he is on one knee and asks me to marry him. I thought about it awhile, wasn't really sure...NOT...I of course said yes immediately!!! After he proposed he had another surprise for me. We got back in the car drove a bit; Eric then tells me I have to blindfold myself. We continue driving, and I have NO IDEA where we are going. We finally arrive to my surprise; he takes the blindfold off, and SURPRISE! It is a room full of my family and friends ready to celebrate the big day with me! Best Christmas break ever? I say YES!

That is the cutest thing! i love the picture by the way, that has to be one of the best christmas breaks you'll ever have, congratulations!!
Oh my gosh! That is SO cute! Congrats, girl! I love the pictures, they are adorable.
Thats is soooo cute!!!! Congrats!!!! U two look so cute. The pixz are sooo cute!!!! Def the best christmas break!!!! =)
OMG i didnt know your fiance was eric!!! i know him!! Obviously not that well but i was on the banner staff with him last year. The secret photog was the best idea ever!!
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