John 10:27a My sheep listen to my voice…
God commands us in his Word to listen to His voice and what He has to say to us…sometimes this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Listening to God’s voice means putting our selfish desires aside; it means NOT listening to what WE believe is the right thing. As Christians we are to have a relationship with Christ, this means letting His words speak back to us. Sometimes it is so easy to find ourselves asking God for this, and asking God to do this in our life, and asking God to help us in this situation, and not stopping to hear what He has to say back to us…I am guilty as charged. Would you ever call your friend and once they picked up begin to talk and talk and talk not giving them a second to say anything that they want to say, and then once you are done saying what YOU wanted to say just hang up? NO, because that would be silly…so if we wouldn’t do it to a friend, why can we so easily to it to our Savior? One thing that I constantly have to remind myself of is to just slow down once and awhile and LISTEN!
In God’s Word we are not only commanded to listen to His voice, but to be still…
”Be still, and know that I am God.”
Be still is to calm our hearts and to get rid of all the worries and business of life, and to soak in all that God has for us. How are we to hear what God has to say if our hearts are not still to listen? God speaks to us through our heart and our mind; if both of these things are constantly going and going and never being still then we will never get a chance to hear what God needs so badly to say to us. The Lord also speaks mighty things to us through His word, so be constantly reading the Bible and there is NO doubt in my mind that He will not speak to you through his Holy Word…Don’t get me wrong, I struggle with listening to God’s voice just as much as the next guy; here is just a friendly remember to be STILL and LISTEN!